The Eternal Hometown of Japan, Tono in Iwate Prefecture Michi no Eki Tono Kaze no Oka

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Michi no Eki  Tono  Kaze no Oka

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Local produce There is a great selection of fresh vegetables, flowers and vegetable and flower seedlings on sale here. Handmade processed agricultural products and handicrafts are also on display.

Local Produce Guide

Local produce
Seasonal Fruit and Vegetables

There’s a large selection of fresh fruit and vegetables picked in Tono. Being sold direct from the producers, the prices are very attractive.

Processed Foods

There are lots of food that Tono is proud of on sale here including pickles, dried foods and mochi.


You can find juices produced in Tono here including apple juice and blueberry juice.

Folk Crafts

The folk crafts on sale here include woodwork products and handicrafts all made with painstaking care.

Cut Flowers
A wide variety of seasonal cut flowers are on sale here throughout the year. The prices are very reasonable and the flowers are suitable for ornamental displays or for just brightening up the home. Come and buy some of these vividly colored cut flowers grown around Tono that are pleasing to the eyes.
Seedlings (vegetables and flowers)
There are a large number of vegetable and flower seedlings crowded in and on display. The vegetable seedlings are on sale from spring to autumn. The prices are great so why not try and grow a vegetable patch in your garden.


〒028-0531 8-2-1 Nissato, Ayaori, Tono, Iwate
Tel: 0198-62-0888 Fax: 0198-62-0205

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